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Our newsletter has essays of profound interest to people who love music, art, and literature. Upcoming essays for people who love music, art, and literature:

Playing it Forward: Music, Art, and Literature by Idil Biret

Renowned pianist Idil Biret reflects on empathy in music, mentorship, and cultural exchange through her educational initiative IBEI, fostering global artistic understanding. Read essay

Idil Biret: Liszt Beethoven Transcriptions by James Whipple Miller

Pianist Idil Biret’s most widely acclaimed recordings–the complete piano works of Chopin, the complete piano works of Brahms, and the complete Liszt piano transcriptions of the Beethoven symphonies–showcase her virtuosity with texture, timbre, and dynamics. Subscribe to the IBEI newsletter to read the essay

War and Music by Cumhur Görgün

Considering music’s complex relationship with war, from Wagner’s mythic battles to the Ukrainian Freedom Orchestra’s healing performances, Cumhur Görgün shows us how music can empower propaganda or create peace. Subscribe to the IBEI newsletter to read the essay

Other upcoming essays include:

Idil Biret on Pianism; Alden Mellor Heck on Académie Julien; Nadia Boulanger’s Moral Imperative; Idil Biret and Turkish Culture; ‘Omerta’ in Classical Music; Cumhur Görgün on Henry VIII; Ross Drago on Energy Symbols; “Turquerie” in European Culture; Moeen Farrokhi on Censorship in Iran; Paweł Ciach on Warsaw philosopher Jacek Dobrowolski;  “Irena”, a new Romuald Roman short story; China’s Greatest Novel; Spinoza and Buddhism…